The nineteen eighties seemed to be the decade when everyone was out for themselves. It was the decade of Gordon Gekko who famously said Greed is good and when referring to the macho culture of never leaving work, Lunch is for wimps. Whilst the film 'Wall Street' in which Gekko featured was fiction, it was a reflection of real life, Thatcherism and Reaganomics. Thankfully, the current decade seems to be far more about thinking of others and the world as a whole. Unfortunately this can bring its own problems.

For example, if your staff come to you and tell you they want to start payroll giving, do you know how to deal with it? Many people are concerned about green issues and see no reason why payslips need to be printed out, especially as they are rarely required. After all, why print them out only to stick them in a drawer?

Dataplan is a specialist payroll company. We deal with subjects such as payroll giving all the time. We are also able to provide your employees with epayslips. In other words, there is no need to waste paper printing payslips. This has the added advantage that the same software which allows us to do this also allows us to store all an employees' payslips online. Thus, if they do ever need to look back on old payslips or print them, they can.

Payroll outsourcing is becoming more and more popular and with over 40 years experience, Dataplan is ideally placed to look after your payroll.

Written by Alison Clynes
Published on August 3, 2009