Data security matters. Employers have a duty of care and legal responsibility to keep all staff information confidential and secure. No-one wants to think details of their salary, pension, tax, address, sickness record and child care payments may be accessible to unauthorised persons through lax security. Electronic data is constantly vulnerable to misuse and attack. Aside from any embarrassment caused, breaches of data confidentiality can lead to criminal acts like blackmail or identity theft, with disastrous consequences. Anyone administering payroll services understands that the data they handle is especially sensitive and must have the highest protection.

Consequently, some businesses considering payroll outsourcing services hesitate. They worry about security of their employee's data if released to third parties. Every payroll company understands this, and prioritises security. At Dataplan Payroll we do everything to ensure maximum safety. Our employees are closely vetted before appointment. All our systems are regularly checked, tested and updated. We are fully compliant with the Data Protection Act and the testing criteria for our secure BACS payments accreditation.

We offer clients a secure, on-line approval system, avoiding having to send data by email, as well as robust encryption. We have an efficient disaster recovery policy. As specialist professionals, we invest heavily in protective technologies and infrastructures. We have a triple back-up system, and second site. In the event of fire, flood or power cuts, we can be back in action within three hours. Indeed, with our payroll processing services your business data may be safer with us than on your own site!

Written by Alison Clynes
Published on May 9, 2010