With more and more of our everyday life moving to electronic and digital versions of paper based items – payroll is no different. Key pieces of paper, such as P60s that are only issued once a year are amongst the most commonly misplaced items amongst employees, which makes electronic P60s a real boon to both employees and employers.

Benefits of electronic P60s

From 2011 HMRC allowed P60s to be produced and transmitted electronically. With the increasing demand and take up of electronic payslips rather than paper payslips, it made sense that other key payroll documents could also be delivered electronically.

This seemingly simple decision heralded real benefits in the way employees receive and can access this important information.

So why is it so great for employees?

Employees who receive ePayslips already enjoy the benefits of convenience and accessibility these provide and eP60s are no different.

When they need to access the information on a P60, there is no more rummaging through files or frantically emptying kitchen drawers; the information is available through a secure ePayslip portal 24/7 as long as they have internet access.

At Dataplan we make this access even easier through our smart phone app which are available for both Apple and Android phones.

And what about employers?

Convenience is the name of the game for employers too. Not only are there no more paper P60s to distribute, it also takes away the time and inconvenience caused by the inevitable employee request for copy P60s throughout the year.

All part of the self-service revolution

eP60s are part of the bigger movement towards employee self-service. ePayslips are so much more than just electronic versions of a piece of paper. The portal that provides the service allows a secure two-way communication platform between you and your employees with the functionality of a company intranet.

eP60s, alongside payslip information and P45s, are accessible by employees at all times. The Dataplan ePayslip portal also provides a document facility so important company documents such as Health and Safety documents and staff handbooks can be stored and made accessible to employees. Finally, as a communication channel it means that essential employee communications, such as Auto Enrolment communications, can also be driven through ePayslips.

So the humble eP60 is actually part of our brave new digital world and we think worth making a fuss of!

Written by Charlotte Baker
Published on May 6, 2016