Did you know that Dataplan Payroll starts planning as far back as August to ensure that payments will be met for the December period. We review all customers’ payment dates – and review BACS processing dates, to ensure we are covering all options over the festive season.

Dataplan ensures that we have the necessary processing capacity for any pressure-point days – such as BACS days for the last working day and the 25th of the month. Key dates such as these, together with weekends and non-BACS processing days, can cause a squeeze on time available in the month, but fear not – our payroll teams love the challenge that Christmas can bring.

Online submissions

Last year, we introduced an automated system of capturing customer payment dates online, via our portal. This was a great success and we will be issuing your online form to complete soon.

Customers can select their payment date online and this data feeds into our core systems for review. We will contact all customers in the last week of October with a list of possible payment dates and corresponding payroll submission dates. Once these dates have been submitted and reviewed, we get to work on the scheduling for that month, to ensure all ticks over seamlessly for our customers.

Our Christmas period opening times

  • Friday 22nd December – Dataplan will close at 12pm
  • Monday 25th December - Closed
  • Tuesday 26th December - Closed
  • Wednesday 27th December - Open
  • Thursday 28th December - Open
  • Friday 29th December - Closed
  • Monday 1st January - Closed
  • Tuesdays 2nd January - Open
Written by Stewart Waddell
Published on October 10, 2017