School payroll, academy payroll or education payroll in general has become increasingly complex and with a constant change in legislation and government policy.

Once, solely the preserve of the LEA, payroll expertise on school issues is now more widely available.

But let’s be honest, the concept of outsourcing payroll is nothing new for schools. In fact by contracting out to an LEA, schools are in effect already outsourcing their payroll, and in some cases their LEA may themselves be subcontracting.

For years the LEA’s have had schools as ‘hostage customers’ but now with more and more schools having full budget share, and the increase in Academies schools can make an alternative choice for their payroll. A choice that will give them more control over one of the most important and sensitive parts of running a school...paying its staff.

Trust in School Payroll Experts

There are specific complexities surrounding school payrolls that only experienced education payroll specialists can effectively manage -

  • Issues relating to teachers' pay spines
  • Teachers and non teaching staff Local Government pension deductions handled
  • All other deductions handled
  • Monthly school pension reports to your LEA
  • Annual service returns for your pensions
  • Experience in both primary and secondary school payrolls

You need a team of school payroll experts working with you to get it right and ensure compliance at every stage. At Dataplan you can be sure that we have the technical expertise to make sure you school payroll is correct and you make all of the necessary returns you need.

In fact we have so much expertise in school payrolls that we have set up a dedicated education division. For more information visit our main school payroll website

Get a quote for School payroll, Academy payroll or Education Payroll via our dedicated sister site at Dataplan Education 

Written by Richard Rowell
Published on March 6, 2013