Even in times of recession it is vital to ensure that your staff are as happy and contented as possible. From a hard hearted business perspective, you don't want the avoidable costs of recruitment and training that will be incurred in replacing disgruntled employees who leave.

In some cases the employee who leaves can also damage the reputation of your business. In human terms, you want to work around people who enjoy their work. The fact is that good staff morale increases productivity as well as enhancing the reputation of a company with its customers and suppliers.

Many businesses do genuinely try to boost staff morale. Many of the most common ideas can be quite expensive. These might include canteen facilities with subsidised prices or free membership of the local health club. These can be very effective but won't necessarily appeal to or benefit all employees.

Some companies concentrate on paying their employees as generously as possible and include regular profit shares and bonuses. Unfortunately, they then spoil the good intentions by making errors in their employee's payslips. They don't do this deliberately, but the fact is that the legislation concerning PAYE continues to become ever more complicated.

It is no surprise, therefore, that so many employers have turned to a specialist payroll bureau like Dataplan, who are able to offer a payroll solution whatever the size and complexity of your business. Not only, will you avoid unhappy employees from payslip mistakes, you'll be able to ensure that the taxman is happy too. Never underestimate the benefits of getting the basics right.

Written by Alison Clynes
Published on August 16, 2008