Dataplan pride itself on investing in its people. Our ethos towards apprenticeships falls very much within that investment.
We can build a team of skilled professionals trained in–house to our standard, committing to our 'Grow Your Own' culture.
This week marks the 16th annual National Apprenticeship Week. With this year's theme being 'Skills for Life,' we asked one of our Apprentices what skills she felt she had gained for life by pursuing the apprenticeship route rather than the college or university pathway.
Robyn Lock, a Payroll Implementation Apprentice, is currently four months into an eighteen months program:
"I think that doing an apprenticeship has ensured that I have got better confidence skills because I have to speak to more people within the company and clients- I don't think that this would have been the case if I went to college as I wouldn't have had the opportunity to speak to different people of different backgrounds and ages."
This form of learning has been better suited to Robyn's learning style, which she would urge her friends to do. She would recommend Dataplan time and time again as the place to work, expressing her admiration for the company and the people.
Robyn has the support of her company peers and Nathan Drinkell, the apprentices' mentor. One of Nathan's roles within the company is to fully support the apprentices, assisting with any issues they might have, ensuring they are happy with their progression, and assisting with sourcing any further training they may want to receive. Nathan also liaises with the apprenticeship providers, making communication a priority.
We work closely with Apprenticeship providers to ensure that Dataplan can lend itself to the best learning environment and resources. In doing so, we can develop those skills for life, such as confidence, time management, organisation, and teamwork.
Dataplan are one of the UK’s leading providers of specialist payroll and associated services.
From payroll outsourcing and pension service management to ePayslips and gender pay gap reporting; we have a solution for you and your business.